SINEOS checks your website in terms of implementation quality

Whether in the trade or in the digital world, customers expect solid quality in the implementation of the desired requirements. The challenge is that not every company has the in-house expertise to objectively assess the work done. Has the CMS such as TYPO3, Contao or WordPress been configured correctly, have coding guidelines been adhered to and have security aspects been taken into account? Is your webshop, such as Shopware or WooCommerce, up to date and easy to use? Have efficient solutions been provided for editors, has the website been set up in such a way that the SEO OnPage signals can be properly evaluated by Google?

For which software do we primarily offer this service?

SINEOS supports you in eliminating uncertainties, ensuring clarity and providing suggestions for improvement. We have listed the advantages for your company and why QA is so important here and described them with examples.

We have over 30 years of concentrated Internet experience in the areas of user experience and usability, programming, security measures, performance and search engine optimization.

Warum ist ein technisch sauber umgesetztes CMS oder Web-Shop so wichtig?

Checking the performance

Improperly programmed extensions or plugins can cause pages to load very slowly. This is a disadvantage from an SEO point of view because it means that the website receives a lower ranking and therefore does not achieve the visibility that would be necessary for a good position in the SERPs. The user experience (UX) also suffers because visitors are reluctant to wait for pages to load.

Website structure

Websites should have a modern design, the content must be quickly comprehensible and, above all, the search intensity must be given so that visitors see added value in the website. At first glance, many websites meet these criteria, but a closer look often reveals shortcomings.

Especially with regard to SEO, a clean HTML structure should be in place, and the correct use of title tags, the meta title and the description as well as other parameters must be properly incorporated.

SINEOS carries out so-called on-page analyses to uncover these weak points and provides recommendations for action.

Improving the reliability of your website, web store or application

Every company wants its technical systems to be highly available so that its website is online around the clock. Depending on the complexity of a web project, there are many ways to increase this. SINEOS checks the following factors under this point >

  • Web hosting package - what options does the hoster offer on its server, e.g. is the PHP version up to date, is the website encrypted, how powerful is the server and, if possible, how high is the reliability.
    Uptime can be increased by using redundant servers, whether as your own hardware or in the cloud, in conjunction with failover switches.
  • Is there a version control system (VCS) such as Gitlab or Bitbucket?
  • Are unit, functional and e.g. Selenium tests used in the development of sophisticated extensions and applications to ensure a high quality standard in terms of functionality and reliability? These paradigms can help to avoid or significantly reduce annoying errors from the visitor's point of view.
  • Depending on the requirements and level, continuous integration (CI) can also be useful, for example, so that new program parts can be tested and merged immediately and not just once a week.

Security Check

Websites can be subject to constant attacks, so security is at the top of the list when it comes to high-quality projects. SINEOS checks, for example, whether the version of the content management system, such as TYPO3, CONTAO or WordPress, is up to date. We also examine plugins for vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to penetrate your platform.

On request, we can also carry out penetration tests, which are particularly useful if data protection content is stored in your web portal.

Evaluation of plugins and extensions or individually programmed software

There are solid standard plugins for every CMS or e-commerce product that are cleanly implemented, perform well and fulfill the requirements perfectly. But there is also the other side of extensions that can have security gaps, fire redundant SQL queries or are simply inadequate to use and cost the editor a lot of time to maintain content.

SINEOS checks these applications on request and provides suggestions for improvement or fixes any problems found.

Geschäftsführung SINEOS


Our focus is on the technical realization of sophisticated websites, e-commerce solutions with Shopware, consulting, and support for SEO measures and SEA campaigns, as well as content marketing. Additionally, through our selected network, we offer a range of other services such as web and graphic design, app development, video and motion design, as well as digital advertising (digital signage).

All the advantages of the SINEOS website or web store audit:

  • Second objective opinion from independent experts with a deep understanding of complex technical contexts.
  • External know-how for your company for further development.
  • Increase performance, i.e. the loading of pages or applications.
  • Ensuring that the topic of SEO is given the importance it simply needs today.
  • Improving the security of a CMS or e-commerce platform.
  • More efficient processes that save time and money in the future because deployment runs reliably and cleanly and so-called hotfixes are a thing of the past.
  • Faster and easier maintenance of content, e.g. by revising and optimizing plugins, such as adding automation.
  • The fresh view from the outside for new impulses and input.
  • Advice on necessary budgets for revisions and improvements.
  • Improving communication and processes between different units.

Findings of the SINEOS QS website audits and why problems can occur.

Example 1

On the outside, many agencies sell themselves excellently and impress with their name, number of employees and presentable references, for example. SINEOS has made the experience that one should not be blinded by this, because in the background there can often be very different developers with very different experience.

As a result, the quality of implementation varies from project to project, which can lead to applications not being at the level they should be. This also has to do with the fact that everyone naturally has a certain ego and does not take advantage of networks to arrive at a more elegant solution.

At SINEOS, we know our employees and freelancers very well, are aware of their strengths and potential weaknesses and try to take this into account right from the design stage. This means that proposed solutions are always reviewed and discussed by at least two people. In this way, we ensure that development and implementation are targeted. In addition, we always try to think outside the box and also bring in external expertise if this makes sense. Our own wealth of experience should never be the limit when it comes to finding solutions.


Example 2

A client's team consists primarily of marketing experts. Nevertheless, the full responsibility lies in the commissioning and implementation of technical projects, such as the new development of the company portal. Here, the marketing department has to rely completely on the commissioned web agency.

At first glance, the implemented extensions work perfectly, but the necessary technical understanding is lacking for a more objective view. This makes it difficult to assess the quality of implementation or to suggest better solutions.

A second opinion from a second agency or a freelancer is therefore often of great value.

However, transparency at SINEOS also includes admitting your own mistakes, because we also have people working for us who are not immune to overlooking things, especially in the stress of everyday life. However, we are always looking for solutions to minimize these carelessnesses.


Example 3

Due to time pressure and budget bottlenecks, a very important aspect of extensive and complex online projects is often forgotten: solid documentation. It also often happens that the commissioning company does not have full access to its paid project - the issue is admin access to the CMS or store and an SFTP account.

However, the points mentioned here are absolutely essential for several reasons, especially if more than just information is offered via the website. In the worst case, this can lead to high losses for companies and threaten their existence.

Circumstances may mean that the lead developer is no longer available and therefore lacks important know-how for maintenance or further development. Or the client would like to obtain a second independent opinion, but his hands are tied here, because apart from access to an editor, nothing else is available. This scenario also occurs if you want to hand over a project to another Internet agency.

It is therefore essential to ensure that important project details are recorded from the outset and that documentation is created for all necessary modules to prevent a brain drain. Ideally in an internal company wiki. The manual should ensure that another person can familiarize themselves with it without having to ask too many questions.

Structured programs and clean, self-explanatory code that adheres to coding guidelines are major plus points for good documentation.

Of course, you may have concerns if you grant the customer admin access. But these can be eliminated by providing clear guidelines on how these are to be handled or that costs may be incurred if incorrect conditions occur.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Website Audit

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  • Why is it important to check the implementation quality of my website or web store?

    A thorough implementation quality check ensures that your website or webshop is correctly configured, secure and performing well. It helps to identify and fix issues such as slow loading times, security vulnerabilities and faulty functionality, which improves the user experience and optimizes SEO rankings.

  • How can I ensure that my website or web store has been implemented in a technically flawless manner?

    To ensure that your website or webshop has been implemented in a technically flawless manner, you should carry out regular quality checks. These include checking loading times, ensuring compliance with SEO standards, analyzing security measures and evaluating user-friendliness. It also makes sense to check the implementation of best practices and coding guidelines.

  • What advantages does a professional evaluation of the technical implementation of my website offer me?

    A professional assessment can help you identify and fix technical issues early, improve your website's performance, minimize security risks and optimize the user experience. This can lead to better search engine rankings, higher visitor satisfaction and ultimately more success for your online business.

Case studies

SINEOS Jan Lippstreu

We would be happy to talk to you about your requirements and wishes!

Jan Lippstreu

+49 7361 890 8540